Kramer K-Touch Platform

Платформа за изграждане на автоматизирано и улеснено управление на конферентни зали, зали за домашно кино, жилищни части.
За информация и изготвяне на предложение се свържете с нас на посочените координати.


K-Touch-Cloud−Based Platform for Creating iOS & Android Room Control Applications


  • Cloud Based Platform
  • Hundreds of Supported Touch Devices
  • Comprehensive Room Automation Functionality
  • Built−in Support for Leading Room Automation Systems
  • Highly Scalable
  • Easy to Learn and Master
  • Cost Effective and Versatile
K-Touch 3.0 Control Interface
K-Touch 3.0 Control Interface
K-Touch 3.0_Software Screens
K -Touch 3.0_Software Screens

PDF Datasheet

K−Touch offers advanced control at your fingertips is as part of Kramer’s complete control solutions. With K−Touch , installers can quickly and easily design advanced room control systems using any commercially available iOS or Android touch device. The Cloud−based platform lets integrators easily share and collaborate with their team during the design phase and provide remote support, updates and maintenance to customers, reducing the need for on−site visits.
K-Touch Certification
K-TOUCH STANDARD K-Touch License: 1 user interface for 5 devices.
K-TOUCH ADVANCED K-Touch License: 1 user interface for 15 devices.
K-TOUCH PREMIUM K-Touch License: 1 user interface for 50 devices.
K-TOUCH ADD PANEL K-Touch License: Add 1 additional device to a single license.
K-TOUCH ADD DEVICE K-Touch License: Add 5 additional devices to a single license.