Тонколона Focal Electra 1008 Be

5 424 лв. / Чифт

Hi-End  букшелф тонколони с висока мощност, реален звук и прецизен бас. Подходящи за големи помещения.

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The high end bookshelf speaker Focal Electra 1008 Be embodies Focal’s know-how in terms of high-end compact loudspeakers. It provides a spacious and natural sound image, optimised definition, precise bass and a great sound restitution. The high power-handling enables it to work in rooms of 40m2 and more.
Made in France in Focal’s workshops in Saint-Étienne, Electra 1008 Be takes up a minimum amount of space and offers stunningly high performance for optimal integration in the listening room.

The compact hi-fi loudspeaker Electra 1008 Be takes up a minimum amount of space and offers high performance for optimal integration.

Focal Electra 1008 Be loudspeakers feature an innovative technology called IAL (Infinite Acoustic Load). This technology enabled us to design a tweeter with a very wide frequency range capable of extending very low down in frequency response, for relaying the midrange much earlier. This technology allows the frequency range to which the human ear is sensitive to be reproduced by the ultra-light tweeter with exceptional definition.

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