Тонколона ArtSound – AS250.2

704 лв. / Чифт

Kласическа двулентова букшелф колона с топъл и детайлен звук с максимална мощност 160 W. Подходящи за всеки интериор.

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ArtSound – AS250.2

Unsurpassed value-for-money. An exceptional design in a high-quality cabinet. In combination with the fibreglass woofer in a wooden frame, the special tweeter is absolutely unique. The warm colour is a dead giveaway for the sound: deep basses and high-quality mid-range, enhanced by a strong wave of high tones. Top quality, in every detail: bi-wiring connection, bass reflex, rounded corners… Perfect for every modern interior. The AS250.2 can easily handle 160 Watt, without any distortion.


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